Ashane's Domain

Hello and welcome to Ashane's Domain.

This website was first launched in 2003 to share my video game covers. The location and layout changed over the years until it vanished. Then in 2024 it was revived with Neocities.

Much of the content on this site like the song descriptions and links page are quite old, but it's constantly being updated. You can expect weekly updates on Sundays. Thank you for visiting and hope you enjoy :)

Latest Updates

January 5, 2025

Hey all, sorry no updates this week.. real life and the holidays has kept me pretty busy lately. I have a few projects in the works though I can hopefully share soon. Should have at least one new track next week. Happy new year!!

December 29, 2024

Hey guys, hope everyone had a good Christmas! Lots of exciting news this week. The website has been completely redone--fixed the goofy color scheme, added a games index on the VGM Covers page with official logos, revised the links section, and added a credits and originals page. The originals section only has 1 song so far but there's more to come. The site also has a mobile version now.

I'm still working on some fixes in my setup but now that the site is in an acceptable state I can put more of my focus on that. If you have plans to celebrate the New Year, stay safe, have fun, and I will see you all in 2025. Great things ahead. Thanks for staying tuned in, Ashane

December 22, 2024

Hey guys, been really busy with the holidays and work so no release this week, but I'll have something for you all before the new year! Thanks for staying tuned in and Merry Christmas!

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